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Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

Bioethics in odontology’s curricular net


  • Rina Ana Guerra Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.


This paper's purpose is to explore the present state of bioethics as a subject in odontologists' training curriculum in Argentina. It also shows the graduate's profile and his needs according to techno-scientific, social and cultural requirements that justify the inclusion of bioethics in the university's curriculum. Similarly, it draws attention upon the need of a space for bioethics, the so-called science of the new millennium.


bioethics, odontology, universities, Argentina.

Author Biography

Rina Ana Guerra, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.

Odontóloga. Especialista en Ortopedia Maxilar y Ortodoncia. Alumna de la Maestría de Bioética, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina, 2004-2005.