Urban Regeneration and Risk Management in Chile: Comparative case study analysis



This study analyses seven urban regeneration cases, which incorporate risk management measures, in neighborhoods exposed to socio-natural risks. The article begins with an introduction to the urban regeneration and risk management topics, to then focus on the performance of Chile’s Ministry of Housing urban regeneration program “Quiero Mi Barrio” (PQMB). Applying a comparative case study analysis method to the seven PQMB experiences, the article shows that it is possible to mainstream risk reduction measures into the design of infrastructure works and in social interventions within urban regeneration operations, and concludes that the experience of the PQMB has contributed effectively and efficiently to the security of the neighborhood and its community. On the other hand, through these measures, the PQMB has contributed to strengthening citizen participation and governance processes at the national, regional, local, and community levels. The analysis carried out, the processes used, and the results obtained by the PQMB, allow to inform decisions in research, as well as in urban regeneration and disaster risk management.


Quiero Mi Barrio Program, urban regeneration, disaster risk reduction, governance, community

Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Sarmiento Prieto, Florida International University

Director asociado de investigación en el Instituto de Eventos Extremos de Florida International University

Antonio Fritis Estay, Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo

Encargado Nacional Área Urbana Programa Recuperación de Barrios en Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo de Chile 

Carmen Paz Castro Correa, Universidad de Chile

Profesora titular y Vicedecana Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile


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