La lírica santiaguera en la etapa republicana (1902-1923)


  • Ronald Antonio Ramírez Castellanos Universidad de Oriente


The study of the literary heritage in Santiago de Cuba in the Republican stage offers areas of interest to current research being conducted in academic and cultural institutions of the territory. Works, authors and genres that comprise the literature as a cultural expression of this city has not yet been sufficiently appraised valued by historiography and national literary criticism. The lyric, in particular, as it is known the vast poetic tradition that Santiago de Cuba has settled over the years. That is why, in this paper, through a thorough literature search and by applying content analysis, aspects of interest which can identify the authors, texts and different ideo-esthetics manifestations of the poetic genre were elucidated, whose contributions are core to the necessary exercise of Santiago rewriting literary history in the period between 1902-1923.


Lyrical, |, Santiago de Cuba, Republican period, romanticism, postmodernism

Author Biography

Ronald Antonio Ramírez Castellanos, Universidad de Oriente

Departamento de Letras, Facultad de Humanidades