Chile mira hacia China : relaciones en una nueva era


  • Augusto Soto Alvarez


The "Great China" is essential for Chile. Deepening the relationships between the two will require personnel with additional skills, which enrich the curriculum of diplomacy and entrepreneurship, especially if Santiago also wishes to play the relevant role of bridge between Asia and South America. This article reviews Chilean perceptions of China and the notable successes in bilateral relations, outlines a series of measures that Chile can adopt on its own, as well as joint actions that can be undertaken with other countries in the region in order to optimize its relations with the Asian giant.


Chile, China, Foreign Policy, International Relations, Asia Pacific

Author Biography

Augusto Soto Alvarez

Sinólogo; licenciado en historia, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; estudios de postgrado en historia contemporánea en la Universidad de Beijing y doctorando en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; ha sido reportero de la agencia de noticias Efe en Beijing y actualmente trabaja como consultor en asuntos chinos en Barcelona y en proyectos de la Unión Europea en Asia Central.