Since their independence, the American nations have tried to configure an economic and social policy that would structure their economy and society. At this stage, a series of mutually conditioned processes began, whose peculiar combination and evolution are characterized by the growth style adopted and the degree of economic (under) development and social (dis) structuring achieved in Latin America. These gave rise to a new configuration of interests and social groups whose aspirations precipitated the fall of the previous oligarchic model and the crisis of the project based on primary export activities. We argue that the dialectical relationship between the decomposition of the oligarchic state, the Latin American socioeconomic reality and the emergence of reformist regimes will constitute the guiding thread of the historical process from the end of the Second World War to the present day and will characterize the type of insertion of Latin America in the world market.
International Insertion, Latin America, Peripheral Economic Growth, International Trade, Development
Author Biography
José Ramón García Menéndez, Universidad de Santiago
García Menéndez, J. R. (1990). Estilos de crecimiento económico periférico e inserción de América Latina en el mercado mundial. Estudios Internacionales, 23(92), p. 444–463.