Análisis del carácter de la crisis internacional actual


  • Johan Galtung


The New International Economic Order (NOEI) is part of the process of world capitalist expansion, which is not directed against capitalism but against the control that the northwestern part of the world has exercised over the world capitalist system. Hence, the theses that "there is no crisis in the world capitalist system" and that "there is a crisis in the northwestern control of the world capitalist system" are not incompatible at all. In the present work the thesis that is developed is that the NOEI is a strategy to dislodge the Northwest from its position of control. And it is because of its design itself or because of the way the system works, there will always be centers that will tend to materialize. We postulate that there will be a new center, which will be located in the southeastern part of the world and will be the center of gravity of the new international economic order.


Capitalism, Crisis, New International Economic Order, East Asia, International System