The literature on the problems related to the new international economic order has not stopped growing, mainly as a result of the work carried out by some academic centers in industrialized countries. We have found it interesting to comment on some of them from a Latin American perspective. The works to which these comments refer constitute a small sample of the extensive literature that has been produced in the North on the alternatives proposed in relation to the New International Economic Order. Although the selection has been strictly personal, this does not contain any ideological preference as revealed by the variety of approaches offered by the commented works. However, from the reading of a dozen books, we argue that the treatment of the problem has been impaired because it has remained on a predominantly technocratic level.
New International Economic Order, Academic Centers, North-South Relations, Industrialized Countries, Developing Countries
Author Biography
Luciano Tomassini
Profesor universitario; ex asesor del presidente del BID y actual coordinador del RIAL
Tomassini, L. (1979). EI nuevo orden económico internacional : varios enfoques. Estudios Internacionales, 12(46), p. 204–219.