Street declined for male: sexualities, real estate market and masculinities in downtown São Paulo (Brazil)


  • Bruno Puccinelli Universidade Estadual de Campinas


This article addresses theoretically empiric data about the production of centers and peripheries in downtown São Paulo, taking as vectors gender and sexuality-based assumptions of differences. Such thematic and epistemological approach comes from produced data which discusses the existence of a “gay street” in São Paulo: the Frei Caneca Street. Contrastingly, Repúbica region appears as carrier of a type of homosexuality less legitimate and interesting masculine-feminized homosexuality. This article is based in two São Paulo city districts, located in the central region of São Paulo, República and Consolação. Such districts congregate most options for night leisure, shopping and meeting among homosexual behaving people. A considerable amount of streets and sets of streets on this region are generically called “gay”, although presence of identity-defined audiences is complex and variable. Their identities vary among lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, transsexuals and queer people, and those who don’t have a well-marked identification.


gender, sexuality, space, urban studies