Women in Isolation by COVID-19: Care Times, Domestic, Community Tasks, and Teleworking


  • Paola Bonavitta CONICET
  • Gabriela Bard Wigdor CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


This article analyzes, from a decolonial feminist approach, the overload of care, domestic and telework jobs that women take on during the COVID-19 pandemic and in social isolation. Methodologically, a survey and semi-structured interviews were carried out in Argentina, where the work overloads assumed by women that are not contemplated by the capitalist and patriarchal governments are evident, causing them to bear the economic, physical and psychic costs of the crisis. Gender and class inequalities are perpetuated in the distribution of tasks, both within households, and from the State and the market, making urgent the redistribution and recognition of these multiple feminized working days.


Capitalism, Patriarchy, domestic and care work, Women, Social isolation