
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Collective expulsions in the Plan Colchane: The necessity and proposal of a systematization of a concept of collective expulsion



In this paper will seek to propose a systematization of a defined definition of collective expulsion based on an analysis of the relevant jurisprudence and international legislation. Then, based on the national legislative context, the case Plan Colchane will be analyzed, in particular its factual facts and the resolutions issued by the State, and will be contrasted with the proposed concept to finally determine whether collective expulsions prohibited by international law were carried out in Chile, in the context of the so-called Colchane Plan, where 138 foreigners were expelled as a group.


Migration, expulsion of foreigners, due process, human rights

Author Biography

Vicente Tomás Jiménez Guajardo, Universidad Diego Portales

Vicente Tomás Jiménez Guajardo es licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Diego Portales. Actualmente se desempeña como abogado de protección del Proyecto de Asistencia Legal sobre Refugio y Movilidad Venezolana (PALRV), ACNUR-UDP, y ayudante docente del curso Litigación en Acciones de Amparo y Protección, de la Universidad Diego Portales.