The ancient Roman comedy of Plautus and Terence intrinsically modelled Latin humanistic comedy. In fact, the latter imitated its predecessor not only in its arguments and structure, but also in its language. In this article, we propose to examine in depth the ways in which this lexical and phraseological influence is expressed in Corallaria (ca. 1432), the first of seven comedies written by Tito Livio Frulovisi.
Latin philology, humanistic comedy, Renaissance, Tito Livio Frulovisi, Corallaria
Arbea G., A., Brañes, M. J., & Beltrán H., J. (2018). Plautine and terentian sources in the latin humanistic comedy Corallaria (ca. 1432), by tito livio Frulovisi. Boletín De Filología, 52(2), pp. 11–36. Retrieved from