God, logos and fire in Heráclitus


  • Sebastián Aguilera Quiroz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


The philosophical thought of Heraclitus has countless edges from which can be approached. But it is undeniable the importance of the concepts of theós, lógos and pŷr within their “system”. This paper aims the meeting of these three notions as much as its intrinsic articulation of what might be called “heraclitean metaphysics”, that is, it is proposed to unravel the unity of fragmentary thought of Heraclitus in the scope of the interconnection of the three manifestations of the unit.


God, fire, lógos, heraclitus, unity

Author Biography

Sebastián Aguilera Quiroz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Licenciado en Filosofía y Educación, Profesor de Filosofía. Dr. © en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Ayudante de Cátedra Griego I en PUCV. Miembro fundador del Centro de Estudios del Mundo Antiguo (CEMA), Instituto de Filosofía, PUCV. Miembro de Asociación Chilena de Filosofía (ACHIF) Becario CONICYT.