Some considerations regarding the WIPO broadcasting protection treaty


  • Carlo Benussi Abogado Independiente


The article at hand aims to analyse from a critical point of view the main proposals and regulatory initiatives displayed in the international debate on a new treaty to protect broadcasters, which to date, is especially supported on the latest document developed for the World Intellectual Property Organization called "Working Document for a Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations" (SCCR/27/2 REV). For that, we start briefly with a state of the international debate. Subsequently we will focus on the structure and content of the document, concluding with some considerations regarding the significant reviews of the treaty.


WIPO broadcasting protection treaty, broadcasting organization, related rights, intellectual property

Author Biography

Carlo Benussi, Abogado Independiente

Carlo Benussi Díaz es abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.


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