

This paper examines a corpus of essays written by Martina Barros, Elvira Santa Cruz Ossa, Amanda Labarca and Gabriela Mistral. Besides being relevant figures in the process of shaping the literary and cultural field in Chile in the first decades of the twentieth century, “in their essays on gender themes they also reflected on the status of women and the feminist movements/discourses that were emerging at the time. The focus will be on a corpus of texts they published during 1910-1940. It is proposed that these essays will contribute to promote, make visible and mobilize the demands for women’s rights in the country, and more specifically, women’s suffrage. Through a textual analysis the different positions to which they adhered are examined: What did it mean to obtain this right and what were its projections? To which kind of suffragist movements did women writers look forward? In what way did they support, disassociate themselves of, or rethink the character of the metropolitan suffragist movements?, What strategies did they have to adopt in order to legitimize their demands? The aim is to show how, from the cultural field and particularly through the essay genre, these authors contributed to rethink the role and the intervention of women in the public sphere, as well as in the future of their country.


Essay, Cultural field, Chilean women writers 20th Century, Feminisms, Vote for women


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