The recent events that have led to a conflict in Afghanistan have highlighted the extremely unstable situation in Central Asia. The region suffers from serious internal security problems and strong regional and extra-regional hegemonic pressures have been accentuated by the interest in controlling its energy resources. The Shanghai Group, as a multilateral security body in Central Asia, coincides with a definitive action against terrorism in that country, as this is one of its founding objectives. However, the consequences that Afghanistan and even Pakistan could have in the future, potentially with governments determined by Western powers, would affect the concept of regional security of the Shanghai Group and its objective of not accepting the interference of foreign governments in the economic, political or military sphere.
Central Asia, Afghanistan, Shanghai Group, Geopolitics, Regional Security
Author Biographies
Agustín Toro Dávila, Profesor, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Magíster en gestión y planificación estratégica; profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.
Toro Dávila, A., Pérez Le- Fort, M., & Chacón Morales, A. (2001). El Grupo de Shanghai : su entorno geopolítico. Estudios Internacionales, 34(136), p. 95–112.