The border issue in Latin America and the Caribbean has a much larger concrete dimension than is usually thought. If the border between Mexico and the United States is included, there are 71 "border positions" among the 22 countries considered for this purpose. This paper focuses exclusively on cooperation and planning for the development of border regions. We maintain that the control of the development of the border regions can be perfectly framed within the general "model" of regional planning. The international cooperative development potential represented by the border regions in Latin America and the Caribbean is considerably high if judged by the geographic, demographic and economic magnitude of these regions, but the difficulties are not minor. As we explore the possibilities of cooperation we also present aspects of border management in some countries of the region.
Integration, Border Regions, Latin America, Cooperation, Regional Development
Author Biography
Sergio Boisier, ILPES
Economista chileno. Especialista en desarrollo regional del Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES).
Boisier, S. (1987). Notas en torno al desarrollo de regiones fronterizas en América Latina. Estudios Internacionales, 20(78), p. 158–191.