Argentina y Chile : percepciones del conflicto de la zona del Beagle


  • María Teresa Infante Caffi Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


This article presents an analysis of the so-called conflict of the Beagle. The starting point is the arbitration ruling in April 1977 that recognized that three islands (Picton, Nueva and Lennox) were Chilean, at the same time that it indicated the limit line in the waters of the channel. For the analysis, the perceptions and images that influence, intervene and / or explain the conflict situated by the actors themselves within a scheme of essentially bilateral relations are taken into account. However, both on the periphery and on the basis of some theses, especially in the explanations of the so-called bi-oceanic principle, the defense of the South Atlantic, etc., the conflict has been defined as a key element to understand the role of each country in the regional scope.


Argentina, Chile, Beagle Conflict, Theory of Perceptions, Bilateral Relations

Author Biography

María Teresa Infante Caffi, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Profesora e investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.