El elusivo entendimiento entre América Latina y los Estados Unidos


  • Francisco Orrego Vicuña Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The most serious issue regarding the improvement of relations between Latin America and the United States today is that of an increasingly distant perception between these two segments or basic units, but which has only recently begun to be made explicit. In the course of the last decades, Latin America has been reaching new conditions of maturity in its international relations, both inside and outside the region. In this paper we argue that the point of balance of the hemispheric relationship is found in the design of a policy that, being specific to the case in question, is capable of recognizing the new Latin American reality and, therefore, is based on equal treatment that responds, on the one hand, to the preservation and respect of the interests of each one, but, on the other hand, it stimulates the mutual interests that may exist.


United States, Latin America, Inter-American Relations, Cooperation, Conflict

Author Biography

Francisco Orrego Vicuña, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Director del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile. Miembro del Comité Jurídico  Interamericano y delegado ante la Conferencia sobre Derecho del Mar. Autor de numerosas obras sobre derecho internacional y relaciones internacionales.