This work is based on the presentation made by the author at the Meeting of the Latin American Association of Development Institutions (ALIDE), in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on May 11, 1982. In this paper the importance of the regional and subregional institutional mechanisms despite emerging political difficulties is emphasized, and how these institutions have been able to consolidate and expand. The challenging issues that directly affect the current interaction of private companies with development banks of the continent are also mentioned, despite whichever the institutional factors of these two expressions of economic life might be.
Latin America, Caribbean, Development Banking, Private Company, ALIDE
Author Biography
Felipe Herrera, ECIEL
Ex presidente del BID, es actualmente coordinador de ECIEL y preside el Consejo de Fondo para la Promoción Cultural de la UNESCO. Es autor de numerosos libros sobre problemas del desarrollo latinoamericano.
Herrera, F. (1983). La Banca de Fomento Latinoamericana y la empresa privada : una perspectiva internacional. Estudios Internacionales, 16(61), p. 3–13.