Guerra fría y distensión en América Latina


  • Aníbal Pinto CEPAL


The main works of José Medina Echavarría in recent years dealt with the international scene. The intention of this article is to focus on his most extensive and comprehensive essay: "Latin America in the possible scenarios of detente" to reveal some of his basic ideas about cold war and detente and then make some projections of these phenomena on the Latin American scene. Regarding the relationship between the transformation processes in Latin American countries and the framework of the global struggle, we argue that it is convenient for the former to "internalize" their inevitable conflicts and not "internationalize" them; that is, not to associate them with an unrestricted affiliation with any of the great blocs or superpowers.


Latin America, Detente, Cold War, International System, International Insertion

Author Biography

Aníbal Pinto, CEPAL

Autor de numerosos libros y artículos sobre el desarrollo latinoamericano, como "Chile, un caso de desarrollo frustrado" (1959) y "La ¡nternacionalización de la economía mundial: una perspectiva latinoamericana" (1980). Director, hasta 1980, de la División de Desarrollo Económico de CEPAL. Actualmente, consultor principal de ese organismo.