El futuro del Caribe : su marco institucional


  • José J. Villamil Universidad de Puerto Rico.


This paper refers to the global and regional framework within which changes occur in the Caribbean area. Its starting point is the conviction that the organization of the world economy is undergoing spectacular changes and that it is drifting towards an economic and political system of a transnational and global nature, with its own institutions and its own operating modalities. At the same time, there is also the emergence of regional systems of center and periphery; These, even when related to the world system, show their own sets of relationships that differ to some extent from those related to the general links between the center and the periphery, and which mainly concern geographical proximity. The Caribbean is part of one of these systems, which has obvious consequences for its future.


Caribbean, Center-Periphery Relations, World Economy, Regional Systems, World System

Author Biography

José J. Villamil, Universidad de Puerto Rico.

Experto en planificacion y autor de diversos trabajos sobre planificación y desarrollo, es profesor de 1a Universidad de Puerto Rico.