This paper develops the historical antecedents and the elements that make up the foreign policies of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, in addition to raising certain questions: is the audacity and dynamism, the outstanding characteristics of Brazilian foreign policy, a new phenomenon or are they a result of a historical tradition rich in experiences and challenges? Is the reserved and cautious foreign policy, the attitude of distrust towards the outside world, the intransigence in the defense of self-preservation principles, and the non-intervention, and, in general Mexican prudence, are they not justified by reason of their tragic historical experiences? In the Argentine case, it is suggested that whoever intends to understand current Argentine foreign policy must bear in mind some historical antecedents that are decisive: the so-called Third Position and the Economic Agreements signed during the second presidency of General Perón.
Ex director para América Latina de la Cancillería de la República Argentina y ex profesor de la Universidad Católica de Buenos Aires, se encuentra actualmente desarrollando trabajos dé investigación en París.
Pérez Llana, C. E. (1975). ¿Potencias intermedias o países mayores? : la política exterior de Argentina, Brasil y México. Estudios Internacionales, 8(29), p. 47–105.