Chile and the OECD. A dichotomy between macroeconomic results and human development


  • Luis Alfredo Riveros Cornejo Universidad de Chile
  • Gustavo A. Báez Castillo Universidad de Chile


The Chilean economy has exhibited a noticeable performance since the 1990s. High economic growth and investment, the sustained increase in per capita GDP, low inflation and the existence of fiscal surpluses have been repeated results along past decades. However, there prevails a worrisome dichotomy between positive macroeconomic results and poor indicators relative to the human dimension, particularly education, health and innovation, a situation that originates doubts as to the sustainability of economic results, particularly in terms of international competitiveness and macroeconomic stability. This paper illustrates the situation using comparative information available from the World Economic Forum.


Chile, OECD, macroeconomic results, human development

Author Biographies

Luis Alfredo Riveros Cornejo, Universidad de Chile

Magíster en Ciencias con Mención en Economía, Universidad de Chile, MBA y PhD en Economía, Universidad de Berkeley, Estados Unidos; profesor titular, Académico de Excelencia, Universidad de Chile; ex Decano y ex Rector de la Universidad de Chile.

Gustavo A. Báez Castillo, Universidad de Chile

Magister en Estudios Internacionales; Licenciado en Filosofía, Universidad de Chile; diplomado en Docencia Universitaria, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana. Docente de Lógica y metodología de la investigación y ayudante de investigación de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile.