Brexit – ¿Quo Vadis?


  • Svenja Bonnecke


The referendum of the 23th June 2016 shows people’s decision for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union with 51,89 % of the votes after 44 years of membership. The former Prime Minister Theresa May transformed that people’s decision into action of Art. 50 TEU. With her declaration from the 29th March 2017 starts the negotiation to leave the European Union and to have a new trade instead after the Brexit. In this context this article wants to contribute to the debate about the future of the European Union describing the actual process of negotiations, analyzing the results and the consequences for the United Kingdom and the European Union.


Brexit, European Union, Great Britain, Art. 50 TEU, European Law

Author Biography

Svenja Bonnecke

Doctorado (C) en Derecho en área de derecho internacional público con el Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haltern, LL.M. (Yale), Friburgo en Brisgovia; Magíster (C) en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública en el Instituto de Asuntos Públicos de la Universidad de Chile.