Author Guidelines
Publication Guidelines
Meridional accepts articles and reviews according to the following norms for publication:
- Instructions to Submit Articles.
- Revista Chilena de Estudios Latinoamericanos only accepts articles that are completely original, unpublished or under review. The journal understands that the submission of articles implies an acknowledgement of this originality rule. For additional information, please visit our website or contact us via e-mail.
- Papers must have an approximate extension of 8500 words (20 pages), in letter- size page, set in Times New Roman size 12, spaced at 1,5, including notes, graphs, charts, illustrations, quotations and bibliographical references.
- Articles must be preceded by an abstract no longer than 200 words (ten lines) ,, and a maximum of five keywords, both in its original language and in English. The English abstract should also be preceded by a translation of the paper’s title. The abstract must define the main aims of the article.
- In order to ensure anonymity during the review process, articles shall be accompanied by a cover sheet with the information of the author(s): institutional affiliation, country, telephone, e-mail, and post address. Also, citations from the contributor’s own work should be made in third person.
- Tables, figures, and graphs should be incorporated into the text and be properly numbered. Authors are asked to send the images in .jpg format, in a quality equal to 300 ppp (or higher), in a separate file.
- Instructions to Submit Book Reviews
- Reviews should include complete information of the reviewed piece (author, title, publishing information).
- Reviewers should inform of the work’s contents and of the main purposes of the author, assessing or commenting the reviewed piece. We also accept bibliographical essays that discuss more than one publication. The journal’s guidelines must be observed for all purposes.
- All contributions will be submitted to peer-review referees.
- Texts will have an approximate extension of 1500 to 2000 words (5 to 8 pages).
- Bibliographical References
- In accordance to MLA style, direct citations must be included in the text between quotation marks. If they are longer than three lines they should be placed in a different paragraph, with a wider margin than the rest of the text.
- Bibliographical references to textual and indirect citations, as well as paraphrasing, should be pointed out between brackets by indicating the author’s surname and the corresponding pages. Example: (Vásquez 78). If the author is clearly indicated in the text, only page number should be given. Should more than one work by the same author be included then a short title must be indicated. Example: (Giannini, Del bien 29).
- As a general rule, bibliographical references should include: author’s surname and first name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Medium.
- The use of footnotes should serve the purpose of commenting the content of the text, not giving bibliographical information. Complete bibliographical references must be placed at the end of the text, in MLA style.
- Meridional withholds the right to make spelling and formatting corrections. Major changes during the editing process will be consulted with contributors.
Examples for the elaboration of bibliography
Surname, name. Book title. Place: publisher, year. Medium. One author:
Cornejo Polar, Antonio. Escribir en el aire. Ensayo sobre la heterogeneidad socio- cultural en las literaturas andinas. Lima: CELACP/Latinoamericana editores, 2003. Print.
Two to three authors:
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique y Enzo Faletto. Dependencia y desarrollo en América Latina. Ensayo de interpretación sociológica. México: Siglo XXI, 1969. Print.
More than three authors:
Di Tella, Torcuato S. y otros. Argentina, sociedad de masas. Buenos Aires: EUDEBA, 1965. Print.
Edited books:
Schmitd-Welle, Friedhelm, ed. Antonio Cornejo Polar y los estudios latinoamericanos. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2002. Print.
Article in a journal
Surname, name. “Article title”. Journal’s name. Number (year): page range. Medium.
Otero, Lisandro. “De Juego interrumpido”. Casa de las Américas 250 (2008): 47-53. Print.
Book chapter or section
Surname, name.“Chapter or article title”. Book title. Editors. Place: Publisher, year. Page range. Medium.
Camnitzer, Luis. “La impropiedad histórica del conceptualismo en Latinoamérica”. Versions and Inversions. Perspectives on Avant-Garde Art in Latin America. Héctor Olea y Mari Carmen Ramírez, eds. Houston/New Haven/London: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston/Yale University Press, 2006. 89-107. Print.
Newspaper or periodical
Surname, name. “Title”. Peridiocal’s name. Date (day, month, year): section-page. Medium.
Cabrujas, José Ignacio. “Con real y medio”. Nacional. 16 nov. 1990: C-7. Print.
Unpublished dissertation
Surname, name.“Dissertation title”. University, year.
Munsell, Elizabeth. “(Sub)culturas visuales e intervención urbana. Santiago de Chile 1983-1989”.Tesisparaoptar al grado de Magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos. Centro de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad de Chile. 2009.
Electronic document
Surname, name. “Title”. Website’s name.Responsible institution (if any). Publishing date (if any). Date when the site was accessed, web address. Medium (digital).
Vignolo, Paolo. “Santa María de la Antigua: Prácticas y representaciones de un culto mariano entre Sevilla y el Darién”. e-misférica. Journal of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance Politics 5.1 (2008). Accessed July 10th 2010. Digital.
Film or video
Director’s surname, name. Title. Countries of production or distribution.Length (if available), year. Medium.
Gaviria, Víctor, dir. La Vendedora de Rosas. Filmax. Colombia, 1998. Film.
In the case that the bibliography includes more than one item by the same author, they must be arranged chronologically, in ascending order.