
We remind our collaborators that Revista de Estudios de la Justicia maintains its reception of articles throughout the year.

In order to comply with our editorial deadlines, articles submitted before April 30 may be published in the upcoming July issue.

Unconstitutionality of Article 206 of the Civil Code


  • Cristina Fátima Saffie Kattan Abogada. Licenciada en ciencias jurídicas y sociales


This paper aims to present some constitutional problems arising from the passage of Law 19.585, specifically problems concerning Article 206 of the Civil Code. Accordingly, the author describes the case law evolution and then tackles the relevant legal doctrine. The main issues under discussion are the following principles: the meaning of the right to identity; the recognition of the total equality of children born in- and outside of wedlock; the importance of the child's best interest principle and the role of the aforementioned Article 206. The author claims that if the statute of limitations of claiming inheritance rights has expired, proclaiming the unconstitutionality of Article 206 shouldn’t generate conflicts regarding inheritance rights of the heirs. Thus, this study concludes that Article 206 of the Civil Code should not be applied under any circumstances.


Claims of post mortem filiation, Civil Code’s norm 206