
We remind our collaborators that Revista de Estudios de la Justicia maintains its reception of articles throughout the year.

In order to comply with our editorial deadlines, articles submitted before April 30 may be published in the upcoming July issue.

The claims of liability of the Public Administration in Cuba. Limitations on access to administrative justice


  • Amed Ramírez Sánchez Universidad de Granma, Cuba
  • Nilda Haydeé Rizo Pérez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


The responsibility of the Public Administration and Administrative Procedure constitute two basic guarantees that configure the administrative regime in the Rule of Law. The functionality of this binomial allows articulating the compensation claims of citizens before the public power for injuries to their rights and legitimate interests. In Cuba, the development of this binomial has been limited not only in the theoretical order, but also in its normative regulation and practical realization, reducing efficiency to its guarantor role in the design of rights and guarantees recognized in the constitutional order. On this basis, the research aims to argue the dogmatic limitations of access to administrative justice in Cuba in processes of patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration, for the purpose of perfecting its legal regime. To do this, the exposition of ideas will be distributed in five cardinal axes, starting from the access to the administrative justice in Cuba to enter in the configuration of the active and passive legitimation for its demand, the object of the contentious of responsibility, to culminate the valuations on the relationship organ, jurisdiction and competition. The investigation concludes by emphasizing the need for a reform of our litigation legislation that is pronounced by a full access to its justifiability on the basis of the determined deficiencies, accompanied by the modification of the interpretive criteria with which our administrative jurisprudence is handled, the achievement of the justifiability of the responsibility of the Public Administration.

Author Biographies

Amed Ramírez Sánchez, Universidad de Granma, Cuba

Profesor asistente de Derecho Administrativo en la Universidad de Granma, Cuba. Es doctorando en Derecho Administrativo por la Universidad de la Habana (Becario Ministerio de Educación Superior 2017). Máster
en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo y el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales de Madrid (CEPC), España, y Máster en Derecho Constitucional y Administrativo por la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. Es miembro de la Sociedad Cubana de Derecho Constitucional y Administrativo y de la Sociedad Cubana de Derecho Procesal de la UNJC. Su correo electrónico es amed@lex.uh.cu.

Nilda Haydeé Rizo Pérez, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas por la Universidad de Oriente y profesora titular de Derecho Administrativo. Miembro de las Sociedades Cubana de Derecho Constitucional y Administrativo, Procesal, Civil, Agrario, Derecho e Informática de la UNJC. Su correo electrónico es hrizo@uo.edu.cu.