
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Permanent gender violence and self-defense: Considerations based on sentence 648-2021 of the Court of Appeals of Antofagasta


  • Agustín Ignacio Walker Martínez


It’s not novel to state that behind the apparent neutrality of criminal laws, there is a male perspective of law itself, one that does not consider the perspective of women within norms operation. One of the expressions of such a problem takes place in those situations in which a woman ends up injuring or killing her current or former partner at a time when the attack itself has momentarily ceased but within a history of permanent gender abuse and violence. Indeed, this situation raises a series of questions regarding the justification or exoneration of such conduct. Based on a recent Antofagasta’s court ruling, the idea of this article is to find a comparative analysis of the arguments that are used either to accept or reject a self-defense in these cases. With this purpose, the following piece seeks to analyze the traditional interpretation of the self-defense requirements and compare it with a gender perspective interpretation of them, endeavoring to reveal the particularities of cases of incessant gender violence that require a diverse interpretation of those requirements. Additionally, the article seeks to analyze the jurisprudential criteria regarding the relevance of the victim’s statement in such cases.


Self-defense, gender perspective, current aggression, imminent assault, rational need, proof